The solar system has
total of Eight planets .Earlier it was considered as 9 Planet but in 2006
Scientist declared that pluto was too small to be considered as a planet so it
was now considered as dwarf planet.
1) N.O of Dwarf Planets -
There is a large debate occurring on the dwarf planets definations but everybody accepts the facts
that they are large planetry bodies which haven’t cleared there orbit enough to
be considered as planet. At the same time aren’t orbiting
around a planet to be considered as a satellite or moon.
Pluto 5,874,000,000
km Dwarf Planet
Haumea 6,452,000,000
km Dwarf Planet
Makemake 6,850,000,000
km Dwarf Planet
Eris 10,120,000,000
km Dwarf Planet
The Sun is the star at centre of our solar system ,its
distance from earth is about 149.6 million km and is responsible for earth climate and
weather. The Age of Sun is about 4.6 billion years and it is considered as a
yellow dwarf star because of it’s small size and colour. The chemical composition
of Sun is Hydrogen(69.5%),Helium(28%),Carbon, Nitrogen and Oxygen (2%)and
Sulphur,Silicon and Iron(.5%). The Temperature of the core is 15 -20 million Celsius and
of Surface is about5500 degree Celsius.
Facts about sun
When all the Hydrogen of the sun will burn out, the sun will
continue to burn out helium for about 130
million years during which it will expand and reach Mercurry , Venus and
Earth and will enter it’s red giant
pahse and after it will collapse and
will become equal to volume of
earth and will be called white dwarf
2) The sun rotate at about 220 KM per second
3) The light from sun reaches the earh at about 8 minutes
eventhough it is 149.6 million years
4) The sun has a very strong magnetic field
Moon is the satellite of earth and it’s average distance
from earth is 384,365 km from earth surface and it’s gravitational force has very large
impact on earth in the form of tidal
waves.The Revoulation period of moon
round the earth in Sidereal month is 27 days,7hrs and 43.5
minutes wheras in Synodic Month is 29 days,12 hrs,44 minutes. In moon there is no atmosphere and Time taken
by moon light to reach earth surface
is1.3 second and rotation around its axis is 2287miles per hrs.
3)Earth - Is the
third planet from the Sun and is the largest of the terrestrial planets. Unlike
the other planets in the solar system that are named after classic deities the
Earth name comes from the Anglo-Saxon word erda which means ground or soil. The
Earth was formed approximately 4.54
billion years ago and is the only known planet to support life .Approx age of earth is 4600000000
years. The water area is 71% of the total land surface 357100000km^2 .The
necessary escape velocity is 11.2km/sec.
4) Venus. Many people
thinks that Mercury is the hotest planet
in our solar system but it is a mistaken truth the hotest panet in our solar system is Venus . The assumption that Mercury is the hotest
planet comes from the fact that it is closest to Sun but as mercury has no atmosphere there is nothing to hold the heat. Venus on
the other hand has a thick atmosphere and thus hold the heat for long
time.Venus is the only Planet which spin in opposite direction and thus is a
blackspot in planets in solar system.
The diameter of Venus is 1102 km and surface gravity is
8.87m/second^2 .
The n.o of satellite
is 0
Rotational period is 243 days
Mean surface pressure is 92 bars
Mean surface temperature
is 464degreeC
A day on any planet
is rotation of planet around it’s
axis , we are used to of earth rotation around it’s
axis and is 23 hours ,56 minutes and 4.09 seconds. Mercury rotation lasts for
nearly sixty Earth days. Due to Mercury’s orbit around the sun, a year on that
planet is the equivalent of around eighty-eight Earth days. ‘
Facts of Mercury
Diameter of Mercury is 4879.4 km
Surface gravity is 11.8 feet/sec(3.6)meter
Surface temperature:- 280 F to 800F
Surface atmospheric pressure 2*10^12 millibar
Revolution period(Sidereal year)-87.97 earth days
Rotational period(Sidereal year)-58.646 earth days
N.o of satellites –Nil
6)Mars – Mars is the fourth planet from sun named after Roman goad of war and often reffered as Red
planet due to it’s reddish appearance. Mars is a terrestrial planet with a thin atmosphere and is mainly composed of carbom dioxide.
Facts about
1)Mass: 641,693,000,000,000 billion kg (0.107 x Earth)
2)Equatorial Diameter: 6,805
3)Polar Diameter: 6,755
4)Equatorial Circumference: 21,297 km
5) Satellites: Phobos
& Deimos
6)Orbit Distance: 227,943,824 km (1.38 AU)
7)Orbit Period: 686.98 Earth days (1.88 Earth years)
8)Surface Temperature: -87 to -5 °C
9)First Record: 2nd millenium BC
Recorded By: Egyptian
7) Jupiter
The Jupiter is n.o fifth planet from Sun and is also the largest planet . Jupiter is
mainly kown for big red spot and
long running storm’s on Jupiter surface.
It is also important for earth
protection as it’s large gravitational pull act as protective barrier that
protect earth from space debris,pulling dangerous objects before they
reach us.
Jupiter diameter is -142984 km
Surface gravity is -20.87m/s^
Sidereal period of revolution -11.8565 earth years
Average temperature
-144 degree celcius
N.o of Satellites -
Satrun- Satrun is said to be known for its rings and there is a common misconception
that it is only planet with rings but it is not true the bigger planets like Jupiter Neptune and Uranus has rings . Uranus I has Nine bright
rings but they can’t be seen from our planet.
Mean radius 58322 km
Average density 687kg/m^3
Sidereal period of revolution 29.457 earth years
Average temperature 176degree
Satellites 61
Uranus - It has an
orbital tilt of eighty-two degrees, which means that it is practically on its
side. The effect of this is that a season on Uranus lasts about twenty earth
years, and causes all sorts of odd weather.
Diameter of Uranus -
5118 km
Sidereal revoulution -
84.02 earth years
Rotational period
- 17.24 hrs
Satellites -
Neptune - Neptune is the eighth planet from the Sun and is smallest of gas giants. eptune was the
first planet found by mathematical prediction after unexpected changes in the
orbit of Uranus were observed. Neptune is named after the Roman god of the sea.
Surface gravity - 11.00m/second ^2
Sidereal revolution -164.79 earth years
Rotation period - 16.11 hrs
Mean temperature – 215 degree celcius
N.o of Satellites -13
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