Led effect on Sleep
In the frenetic fast food ,coffee fuelled lives of today,too
many people are having sleep deficency.Modern light emitting diodes used in
energy efficient lighting as well as television and computer screens,laptops,
tablets and various handheld devices , are adding to this problem. The electric
light from these light emitting diodes has a powerful impact on body's clock,
known as circadian rhythms ."And light effect this body's clock more than
any drug", remarked CharlesA. Czeisler in his perspective article in
Nature's outlook feature on sleep.Apart from rods and cones needed for
vision,the eye's retina also contain's photosensitive retinal ganglion cells.
These photosensitive cells help synchronise the body's circadian rhythm to the
natural day and night cycle.When artificial light strikes those cells,the body
get misled and respond by prompting wakefulness and inhibiting sleep. White
light emitted by light emitting diodes are typically rich in blue light.This
mattered because photosensitive were most sensitive to blue and blue green
light. So night time exposure to LEDs was more disruptive to circadian rhythms
and sleep than the old incandescent light bulbs. Various effects of less sleep
on human life are as follows 1) Sleep loss dumb you down Sleep plays a very
important role in thinking and learning. Lack of sleep effect these cerebral
processes in many ways. first it diminish alertness,concentration, reasoning
and problem solving .Thid make it more difficult to learn efficiently. Beside
above described, various sleep cycle play a role in "consolidating"
memories in the mind. If you don't sleep well enough ,you wont be able to
remember what you learned. 2) Sleep loss can cause various health issues Sleep
disorder and chronic sleep loss can put you at risk for High blood pressure,
Heart attack and Diabetes etc. Since solid state light fixtures could carry
mult coloured LEDs, it will be relatively easy to control their light intensity
and colour composition.'The adverse effects of night time light on sleep and
body's rhythms can be reduced by replacing blueenriched light with red-or
orange -enriched white light after sunset".
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